Ingredients 8 servings instant mashed potatoes, prepared 2 large onions Butter or margarine 1 package won-ton wrappers Oil
Instructions Slice onions and saute in butter until golden and soft. Mix into potatoes. Using one won-ton wrapper, place tablespoon of potato mixture in center. Moisten edges with water and fold into triangle. Heat oil til hot. Drop wontons into oil. Watch carefully as they brown quickly. Remove from oil and drain on brown paper or paper towel. Refrigerate or freeze until ready to serve. Heat on racks placed on cookie sheets in 350 oven for about 15 minutes.
Description Great appetizer with a Chinese slant.
Notes Great to make and put in the freezer. They can be heated on a cookie sheet. Serve with duck sauce. Do not heat in microwave. This is the only time that I use instant mashed potatoes but it is necessary to be sure that they are completely smooth.
Source Lenore Litwin, my cousin