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Potato Pie


3 large potatoes

1 egg

1 fresh mozzarella



salt and pepper to taste

Parmigiano cheese


Boil the potatoes until softened. Peel (The peel will come right off after boiling.

Mash the potatoes. I used a ricer for nice smooth potatoes.

Add butter, salt and pepper and mix. Add the egg and mix until combined. I beat the egg just to combine the yolk and white and be easier to add to potato mixture.

Grease pan with butter and dust with bread crumbs. Layer the potatoes evenly, add sliced mozzarella and balance of potatoes.

Top with bread crumbs and grated parmigiana and dot with butter.

Bake at 350° for 40 minutes.


This is a recipe posted on a Facebook group by Mitzy Pav. The Itallian name for it is Timballo de patat aka Gateau de patate. Call it whatever you like but I call it delicious. The melted cheese between to rich potatoes is heavenly.


Mitzy Pav

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