Ingredients 1 package pound cake, sliced 1 bottle marschino cherries, drained 1 cup chocolate chips Kahlua 1 package chocolate pudding, prepared 1 package vanilla pudding, prepared Whipped cream
Instructions Line glass bowl with pound cake. Sprinkle with Kahlua. Place cherries and chocolate chips on bottom and up sides. Spoon in cooled vanilla pudding, the cooled chocolate pudding. Top with whipped cream in decorative way.
Description Put it in a big, deep bowl and let people just dig in.
Serving Ideas
Use a bowl that holds about 7-8 cups. Just spoon out.
Notes Can be sprinkle with colored non-pareils just before serving. Do not do in advance as the colors will bleed. Many of my buffet tables has had an unplanned trifle when something I baked didn't come out perfectly and got crumbled up, mixed with pudding, topped with whipped cream, and VOILA! A trifle.
Source Judy Romaine